
Question: Do you have a snapshot memory that carries layers of story behind it? Or a poem that reflects a moment in your life? Ambivalence is a complicated thing. So many ways to feel it and explore it. This or anything else you'd like to say. I'm willing to hold the space. ❤️

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I don't have a memory at hand, but, wow, your poem was magnificent. It was a privilege to read it just before going to sleep. So much emotion expressed so poignantly and well.

I hope others will read it, because it deserves to be read.

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And what a beautiful comment for me to read before going to sleep myself! Thank you so much, David, for your kind words, and this smile on my face and in my heart. Your encouragement means everything. Thank you! ❤️

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Demian Elaine' Yumei

Omg. Stunning. Heart shattering. Thank you.

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Hi Summer! Beautiful name 🌻 Thank you so much for your kind words and response. It means a lot to me, truly ❤️.

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Beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it. The structure works so well. I like how the sections draw a pause and then plunge into a new profound thought. Did you see that done somewhere else or did it come to you as you were writing? The stories behind the stanzas will be a gift to your self and your readers.

My mother got sick a year ago and passed away in March. I really felt that part of the poem. I have a poem about my mom’s passing. I may be brave enough to share it soon.

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Oh, I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother, Chelsea. Giving voice to your grief and all the ensuing emotions to your creativity is so powerful. When you are ready, I would be honored to read your poem.

I don't recall seeing this structure elsewhere, but then I didn't start out writing this piece as a poem. It was my way of giving myself permission to lightly touch down on the stories that nudged me to write them, but I wasn't ready to do that kind of writing, or the processing it would entail.

So one day I sat down, let my mind skim over the timeline of my childhood, and dove in just deep enough to jot down short phrases of what I would want to say to that memory or that stage of my life. I numbered them because that's the order they came to me.

It wasn't until recently, when I knew I wanted to write about reclaiming my creative process and heal my voice, that I began to see this piece as more of a poem. I found the photo while looking for a photo of us together--very few of those-- to use with this piece, but when I uploaded it into my draft, I was stunned by how it affected me.

This photo became a focal point for me, and that's when the piece said, "Yeah, I'm definitely a poem". So I became more mindful of crafting it that way.

Most of the work I did on it was yesterday. I cleaned up the stanzas, tweaked them, removed one that I will use elsewhere. I was resistant to publishing it through, until I wrote the first and last stanza, and then I knew, yes, now it's ready to be read.

As I was writing the closing paragraph of this post, I realized I could now use the stanzas of this exercise-turned-poem to delve deeper through free-writing off of them. And it kind of delights me that what was meant to help me avoid the deeper dive is now going to help me do it!

Gotta love the creative process! which for me, is also my healing process.

Thank you for this opportunity to converse with you, Chelsea, and for your feedback on the poem. I see you write poetry and about trauma, too. I look forward to reading your work! ❤️

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This poem touches me deeply. Thank you for sharing it with us. For showing up on the page real and raw x

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Dearest Claire! Thank you, as always, for your wonderfully supportive words. And I'm so glad we're on this journey of creativity, right where we are, together ❤️

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Me too. Grateful for you ❤️

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